About us

We live and breathe Latin

We are the Circulus Latinus Berolinensis, a group of people who meet regularly in Berlin, Germany, to cultivate the use of spoken Latin. Our group unites people from all walks of life. Some of us have studied Latin, others are learning the language just for fun.

Our goal is to help as many people as possible to speak Latin. Why? Because only who speaks the language can truly appreciate classical Latin texts without having to rely on a dictionary and grammar. We are proponents of Hans Ørberg's natural method of learning Latin.

We are friends of the Accademia Vivarium novum, to which we owe our in-depth knowledge of Latin.

We cordially invite you to join our online courses and seminars.

Our Team

Luca Quaglierini

Co-Founder & Chief Instructor

Luca Quaglierini has studied Latin and Greek Classics at the University of Pisa and Berlin (HU). He perfected his training at the Accademia Vivarium Novum in Rome, the world's most renowned academic institution for spoken Latin (photo by Luciana Salemi).

Dr. Viktor Becher

Co-Founder & COO

Dr. Viktor Becher has studied linguistics and computer science at the University of Hamburg and the University of Hagen. He wrote his PhD thesis on translation studies.

Antonia Grille

Marketing Manager

Antonia Grille studied Business Administration at the Berlin School of Economics and Law. She supports Speaking Latin in promoting the use of the Latin language and is an avid participant of our courses.

Villa Falconieri, home of the Accademia Vivarium Novum

Luca and Viktor at Vivarium Novum